
舞蹈團成員主要為在職舞蹈教師,兒童及青少年。舞蹈種類包括兒童劇場舞、中國古典舞、中國民族舞、芭蕾舞、現代爵士舞、踢噠舞、拉丁舞、當代舞和葡國土風舞等;舞蹈團每年均推薦團員報考『中國舞等級考試』學生證書及導師證書;2006年起,獲澳洲舞蹈教師協會委派為《CSTD舞蹈考試》澳門區主辦機構,將西方兒童劇場舞蹈、芭蕾舞、現代爵士舞和踢噠舞考試課程帶進澳門,為澳門青少年引進國際性舞蹈考試,藉此進入國際舞蹈平台,給予考生國際性發展空間。該團自成立至今己成功創作多個大型舞蹈以配合不同類型社會文藝活動。2000年,為慶祝澳門回歸祖國一週年而創作舞蹈「歡騰」, 並獲『第一屆中外兒童舞蹈展演』表演金獎;2001年應澳門教育暨青年局邀請,為第八屆澳門國際青年舞蹈節編排開幕式「龍傳鼓韻  凝聚濠江」及閉幕式「萬宇星輝  舞躍千禧」之大型舞蹈;2003年以澳門傳統民間節慶活動為題材創作舞蹈『醉龍』,並獲邀前往香港參演「香港舞蹈博覽2003」;2004年創作舞蹈『彩雲飛』,獲2004中國少年兒童舞蹈比賽創作及表演金獎;2005年創作舞蹈『楓葉紅了』並獲邀參加「香港舞蹈博覽2005」展演及「第十屆澳門國際青年舞蹈節」展演。2006年創作舞蹈『燈塔下』─以澳門世界遺產為背景,細說人們的成長路,並獲邀赴香港為「香港紫荊盃舞蹈大賞」作表演嘉賓。2008年?任『北京奧運2008』火炬傳送(澳門站)大型慶祝晚會舞蹈總編。2010年創作大型兒童舞劇『長腿叔叔』作為舞蹈團十週年獻禮,2011年創作大型兒童舞劇『甜孫爺爺』。 




Design Options



Performance Assessments



Financial Plans

Sell your products online
with E-commerce

Effortlessly add an online store to your website and start selling your products. Our platform integrates with popular payment gateways and shipping providers.

24/7 Support

Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist you.

Analytics and Reporting

Stay on top of your website’s performance with real-time analytics.

Boost your website’s
visibility with SEO

Make sure your website is easily discoverable by search engines and your target audience with our built-in SEO optimization tools.

“I appreciated the 24/7 support and the SEO optimization features. Highly recommend!”

Alex Martinez

CEO, ABC Company

Cutting-Edge Gatherings

Elevate Events
with our crew

Elevate your online presence with our advanced technology and customizable design options, which help you build first-rate websites.

Effortlessly Spectacular

Extensive Range of Bashes

Boosts Efficiency

Simple pricing, for everyone.

Our expert team ensures elegant, functional and visually pleasing websites with WordPress blocks, patterns, and the powerful content editor.


All the essentials to launch a fresh venture




Payment accepted via credit card

We provide three skilled event organizers

Fundamental assistance

Independent Contractor

Create stunning websites with WordPress blocks

Starting at just $29 per month

with flexible monthly payment options


Payments made easy with credit cards

Choose from 3 professional event planners

Enjoy basic support for a hassle-free experience

Handle up to 1,000 requests effortlessly

Perfect for startup businesses

Creating stunning websites

Starting at $59

per month

Features include:

Accepts credit card payments

Access to 3 different event planning tools

Assigned premium support

Exclusive access to unique venues

Supports up to 3 admin users

All pricing is in USD. You can cancel your account at any time. 
All renewals are at full price.

What our customers say

Frequently Asked Questions

Simply reach out to our team, providing us with your vision, and we will swiftly develop a plan that will transform your dreams into lasting memories.

Is it possible to change my date?

Absolutely, as long as you provide us with a minimum of 45 days’ notice, you can adjust your date up to two times without any additional charges.

Tell me more about your cancellation policy.

Any events rescheduled within 45 days of the original date will require full payment for perishable items. However, we always strive to collaborate with you.

How does the billing process work?

To secure your booking, we request a 50% down payment with the remaining 50% to be paid 24 hours prior to your event.

What is the process for managing guest invites?

Within our online guest management system, you’ll find a user-friendly “Invites” section. You can either manage it yourself or allow us to take care of it for you.

Can I receive a receipt for my order?

Absolutely! Feel free to reach out to our dedicated customer service team with your order number.

Need further assistance?

Need help finding the answers you need? Let’s have a conversation.

We pay close attention to every detail,
so there’s no need for you to worry.

Easy and straightforward process

Flawless events and get-togethers